URAT JAGAT (Veins of the Universe)
by mainteater

Here are some photos from the February 2015 performance and tour of Urat Jagat (Veins of the Universe) by mainteater in Indonesia. After a two week development period at Selasar Sunaryo Arts Space Bandung, an incredible space created for the community by the artist Sunaryo, we performed in 5 locations in Indonesia; Selasar Sunaryo, UPI Bandung, Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Rumah Dunia Serang, and Bentara Budaya Bali. Presented in partnership with Multicultural Arts Victoria.
"Poetry Theatre performance Urat Jagat, relaxing tensions between Indonesia and Australia" An article in bisnis.com
"Poetry Theatre performance Urat Jagat, relaxing tensions between Indonesia and Australia" An article in bisnis.com
Performed in a chorus of languages, voices and sounds, Urat Jagat (Veins of the Universe) is a multilingual performance based on an epic poem by Godi Suwarna. Steeped in the sounds of nature, powerful vocality and a design of bamboo and projection, the work carries with it images of nature- restless, angry and in pain, yet full of humour.
This project first started in 2012 when Godi Suwarna and his long time West Javanese collaborator Wawan Sofwan, came together with Sandra Fiona Long, Melbourne based vocal extraordinaire and multi-instrumentalist Mal Webb and mainteater collaborator Jodee Mundy to capture Godi's powerful poem as a performance. The work was recorded and performed at Federation Square, La Mama Courthouse and at Monash University. Listen to some of the 2012 recording below.

Godi Suwarna has been viewed as the avant-garde of the Sundanese literary world. Exploring and exploiting words in all literary genres, Godi Suwarna is recognized as a reformer. He has received many awards from various institutions, in particular the prestigious Rancage award which he received three times for writing in three literary genres: poetry, novel and short story.
Godi is known for his deliberate use of the Sundanese sounds, mostly, for his poems which were published in four anthologies. They are Jagat Alit (Microcosm), Surat-surat Kaliwat (Letters of the Past), Blues Kere Lauk (Dried Fish Blues) and Sajak Dongeng si Ujang (Stories for Ujang Poems).
Text by Godi Suwarna, Directed by Sandra Fiona Long, Translation by Safrina Soemadipradja Noorman, Performers Godi Suwarna, Mal Webb, Jodee Mundy, Heliana Sinaga, Wawan Sofwan, Sahlan Bahuy, Sandra Fiona Long, Sound by Mal Webb, Design by Deden Bulqini, Lighting by Aji Sangiaji, Production Manager Pradetya Novitri, Produced by Sandra Fiona Long and Mainteater, a collaboration of Indonesian and Australian Artists spanning 18 years
For more images, see http://uratjagat.blogspot.com.au

Proudly Supported by: Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, The Australian Government through the Australia International Cultural Council; an Initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Rumah Dunia; Serang, The Australia Indonesia Institute, Bentara Budaya Bali; Kompas Gramedia; Kementrian Pariwisata; Bentara Budaya Jakarta, The Victorian Government through Arts Victoria,English Education Department, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung