Happy 1000 1000 Bahagia
A man's countdown to suicide. A journalist trapped in a world of words gone wild. A company from Australia and Indonesia.
Performed in English, Auslan and Indonesian, in a set made entirely of newspaper.
Directed and adapted by Sandra Fiona Long, Performed/co-devised by Jodee Mundy, Tiffany Ball and Wawan Sofwan. Design by Darryl Cordell, lighting design by Otong Durahim
Adapted from 'Endlich Schluss' by Peter Turrini, Indonesian Translation by Tatjana Luck, English translation by Sandra Fiona Long, Auslan Interpretation by Jodee Mundy, Auslan consultant Christopher Dunn
Winner of the Melbourne Fringe Festival Award for 'Innovation of Form', Green Room Award Nomination for 'Innovation of Form'
Supported by Arts Victoria, Australian Indonesian Institute, The Victorian Arts Centre, VIC DEAF
Media Quotes:
"This is a compelling, extremely entertaining production that moves easily between the light-hearted and the dark, the playful and the deadly serious" The Sunday Age
"The best show of the Fringe" Melbourne Times
"Shows the capacity of the cross cultural world" Jakarta Post
"Winning numbers come up" Herald Sun
Performed in English, Auslan and Indonesian, in a set made entirely of newspaper.
Directed and adapted by Sandra Fiona Long, Performed/co-devised by Jodee Mundy, Tiffany Ball and Wawan Sofwan. Design by Darryl Cordell, lighting design by Otong Durahim
Adapted from 'Endlich Schluss' by Peter Turrini, Indonesian Translation by Tatjana Luck, English translation by Sandra Fiona Long, Auslan Interpretation by Jodee Mundy, Auslan consultant Christopher Dunn
Winner of the Melbourne Fringe Festival Award for 'Innovation of Form', Green Room Award Nomination for 'Innovation of Form'
Supported by Arts Victoria, Australian Indonesian Institute, The Victorian Arts Centre, VIC DEAF
Media Quotes:
"This is a compelling, extremely entertaining production that moves easily between the light-hearted and the dark, the playful and the deadly serious" The Sunday Age
"The best show of the Fringe" Melbourne Times
"Shows the capacity of the cross cultural world" Jakarta Post
"Winning numbers come up" Herald Sun